UNIX PC Fan problems, how I repaired it myself.

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Fri Jan 29 14:12:59 AEST 1988

In article <234 at icus.UUCP> lenny at icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano) [That's me] writes:
|> [description about installing a stock Radio Shack Fan]
|>	Cat. No. 273-243   3" (80mm) DC Brushless fan    $14.95
|>I bought two fans, my next project is to remove the foam in the left side 
|>and replace that with another fan. (Hey, what's a little more hum?) :-)  
|>I'll keep everyone posted.  I might just use that user controlled LED on the 
|>left side to turn it on and off at periods of time... Who knows?

I noticed a slight problem after installing the 1st fan.  I had the fan
in backwards, so instead of blowing the air out, it was sucking it in.  This
keep the power supply pretty cool, but the front of the UNIX PC was getting
warm (abnormally warm).  Make sure if you install the fans that they are
blowing out the back (Radio Shack label facing grill in back).

Since I had the PC open again, I took this opportunity to install the second 
fan.  I didn't get fancy and make it controllable by the LED.  The noise
is so minimal I though it might as well be on all the time.  The brushless
fans have a very low noise output.  I just tied the two fans together
keeping the polarity the same, and wha-la!  Now the system seems to be moving
air out very nicely!  Why didn't they stick with the two fans like the
older PC7300's?  Oh well!

============================ US MAIL:   Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group
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