Can they take it back?

Rich Andrews rich at jolnet.UUCP
Tue Jan 12 15:26:38 AEST 1988

In article <2215 at netsys.UUCP> len at netsys.UUCP (Len Rose,NetSys) writes:
>In article <261 at jolnet.UUCP> rich at jolnet.UUCP (Rich Andrews) writes:
> a slow box it was and how useless it was for me.  I called them back and 
> talked to the salesman about trading it in for a 3b2.
> Aiming a bit high weren't you..
>Len Rose -* Netsys Public Access Network *- The East Coast Machine

Something screwed up...I KNOW I type 3b1.....well all I still want is 
a 3b1!!!!!

rich andrews

rich at jolnet

jolnet is a 3b2 so why have 2 of them? (:>)......

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