1M to 2M revisited...

Darren Friedlein darren at bacchus
Sat Jul 9 12:07:21 AEST 1988

In an attempt to upgrade from 1M to 2M (so that I can use the zoom
option in TeX, in particular), I've run into one problem.  There are
resistor packs alongside the four banks of 256K drams that are labeled
330.  Anyone have the specs that can tell me if this is 330 ohms or
330K ohms?

Has *ANYONE* else done this upgrade???  I'm just guessing my way through
this.  If everything works out, I'll post a summary of my procedures to
the net.

        /    \
       |                                 Rt 4, Box 416, Durham, NC 27703
  _____|_____     Darren G. Friedlein      data (bacchus) : 919/596-7746
 /     |     \                                      voice : 919/596-9492
(      |      )
 \____/    __/   {mcnc|icus|ditka|ethos|gladys|bakerst}!bacchus!darren

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