Still problems with my line printer

Rob Healey rhealey at umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU
Sun Jul 24 06:36:01 AEST 1988

In article <207 at tarkus.UUCP> jcs at tarkus.UUCP (John C. Sucilla) writes:
>Well, it looks like a regular file to me..  When I -l that file I don't
>see any major and minor numbers,  just a size of 0.
>Here is what it looks like on tarkus.
>-rw-------  1 lp      other         0 Jul 17 23:06 /usr/spool/lp/FIFO

	The trick is to use file on /usr/spool/lp/FIFO. Some things
	to do when there's nothing better to do:

	mknod /tmp/xx p

	cat /tmp/xx &

	echo I'm a little FIFO, little FIFO, little FIFO >/tmp/xx

	Notice how a named pipe hangs around till you specifically remove
	it, i.e. rm. One can putts for hours thinking of new and improved
	ways to waste your time.... You can even change it's mode so
	EVERYONE can play!



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