Two more 3b1 software bugs (collect all 500!)

wilber at alice.UUCP wilber at alice.UUCP
Mon Jul 11 12:09:47 AEST 1988

I wrote:
>I have a program that is run suid to "foo", where foo != root.
>It has code that looks like this:
>  real_uid = getuid(); /* The effective user ID is still "foo". */
>  .
>  .
>  setuid(uid); /* Now the real and effective user IDs are both real_uid. */

Of course that last line should be

  setuid(real_uid); /* Now the real and effective user IDs are both
                       real_uid. */

(And no, that doesn't fix the problem -- only my description of the bug was
in error, the bug is really there.)

Bob Wilber   Work: UUCP: {allegra, mtune, ihnp4}!gauss!wilber
                   ARPA: wilber at

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