icon editor for unixpc

loci!clb loci at killer.UUCP
Mon Jul 11 04:49:48 AEST 1988

In article <292 at amanue.UUCP>, jr at amanue.UUCP (Jim Rosenberg) writes:
+ In article <788 at rphroy.UUCP> tkacik at rphroy.UUCP (Tom Tkacik) writes:
+>Does anybody know of a font editor, or icon editor that can be used to put
+>rastor images in to a C program?
+>I am in the process of writing the Mahjongg game for the UNIX PC, and
+>am having just a little difficulty :-) in making the required tiles.
+>I have designed them using Paint_Power, (and they look suprisingly good),
> There's a program I've heard of that does exactly this kind of thing, but
> it runs under DOS.

	The program "fatbit" from the STORE! does something like what
	you describe. You can diddle individual bits until you like 
	the icon, then output the 'c' data array for use with rastop.
	Hope this helps.
			CLBrunow - KA5SOF
	Loci Products, POB 833846-131, Richardson, Texas 75083
	   clb at loci.uucp, loci at killer.uucp, loci at csccat.uucp

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