Problems with cu command.

Wolfson wolfer at ihuxy.ATT.COM
Thu Jul 28 04:25:51 AEST 1988

I can't seem to get the cu command to work. The Phone Manager
works great to log in to another system, but cu always fails. 
I ran it with the -d option to see what was happening...

I typed: cu -d [number]

I heard a dial tone through the speaker, and then the tones of the 
digits being dialed. Then, I heard the line ring, and the call pick-up
click. Then, I heard the beep of the other computer, and about a half
second later, was disconnected. The messages displayed were as follows:

Call mode(1)
transmit started
receive started
got read error, not EINTR
call rcvdead(4)
call bye(16)
call hangup(4)
call mode(0)

Then the line hangs, and I have to unplug the phone from the wall
to be able to dial out again from the computer. 

These are the stats of the system I have:

1 MEG memory
3.5 system with Developmental Set.
Phone Manager
Hooked up only for data into line 1. No telephone connected.

What I can't figure out is why the Phone Manager works fine, but cu doesn't.

Any ideas on what the problem might be would be greatly appreciated. 

Paul D. Wolfson
*8 367-0530

P. S. To David Sueme: Sorry I can't reply to you directly, but for some
reason, whenever I try to send mail directly to someone using "r" in
readnews, it fails.. but that's a problem for another day.
 Any scripts you have that work for you would be helpful.

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