John Wilkes wilkes at mips.COM
Fri Jul 15 08:43:18 AEST 1988

I just got off the telephone with Matt Marshall of IDT Systems in Newark,
Delaware.  He says that they expect to be ready to ship the 3B1 SCSI boards
around the end of August.  The board will have a DB-25 connector with Mac
compatible pinouts.  It will be able to operate as a host or a slave.  It
will be a full SCSI implementation, meaning that up to 8 devices are
supported on the SCSI bus.  They are developing a driver that will support
the popular SCSI disks (Seagate, Miniscribe, etc.), and it will be included
with the board.  I asked about tape devices, pointed out that backups on
the 3B1 are very painful, and suggested that some form of SCSI tape backup
would be very well received.  Matt seemed to think that it would be offered
as an "option", but I don't really know what he meant by that.  An option
that is available for extra bucks?  Source code for the driver will *not*
be included, according to Matt.

If you have already been in touch with IDT, and they've got your name and
address on file, expect a brochure to arrive any day now.  On 13 July, they
sent out an information packet about the 3B1 SCSI product to everybody they
have on file.  When I get mine, I will post the interesting information.
IDT is still planning on a price in the $350 range for the SCSI board.

If you want additional information, IDT's phone number is (302) 731-1583.
Also, they are on the net, and your questions can be directed to:

I feel compelled to point out that I have absolutely no connection with IDT
Systems, other than having talked to them on the telephone a couple of
times.  Additionally, I have ordered one of their 3B1 SCSI boards, which I
anxiously await.

-- work: {decwrl ames pyramid prls}!mips!wilkes  -OR-  wilkes at

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