OS-9 on Unix-pc hardware. Could it work?

Peter C. Dibble dibble at cs.rochester.edu
Sun Jul 10 13:47:58 AEST 1988

When the Unix PC first came out several of us wanted to port OS-9 to it.
It looked like an excellent OS-9 development machine.  We had several problems:
  *  It was expensive.
	 This has been fixed.
  *  It was impossible to get enough hardware information to do the port.
	 This may still be true.  Years ago the problem seemed to be that
	 hardware information was caught between AT&T and Convergent.  On
	 the other hand, I saw a posting that said that convergent would
	 sell their Unix source for the 3B1.  I bet it's expensive, but
	 maybe some OS-9 person out there already has access to it ...

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