Unix-pc - Windows sans ua

Randy Orrison randy at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu
Sat Jul 23 05:34:06 AEST 1988

In article <296 at amanue.UUCP> jr at amanue.UUCP (Jim Rosenberg) writes:
|               YOU WANT windy.  I can't imagine a 7300 without it.

I got windy... I love it!

One problem though...  First thing I tried:
	windy -n Wanderer -b wanderer
worked fine - my wanderer game came up, i could use the wmgr to switch back
and forth, FANTASTIC!  However, when I quit the game, the window didn't close.
Logging out didn't do it.  Right now there's this window with screen from
wanderer laying around my system.  I can log in fine, do things in windows,
but this one is always there.  How do I get rid of it?   How did it get there?

Randy Orrison, Control Data, Arden Hills, MN
randy at ux.acss.umn.edu	{bungia, uunet!hi-csc, rutgers, sun}!umn-cs!randy
	"I consulted all the sages I could find in Yellow Pages,
	but there aren't many of them."			-APP

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