UNIXPC uucp problem

Chris Siebenmann cks at ziebmef.uucp
Tue Jul 5 07:30:47 AEST 1988

 Bruce and I managed to track down and solve (sort of) this problem;
it was apparently a bad USERFILE. However, I looked at it and it
looked fine, and very similar to the one I use here. Are there any
known limitations of the 3.51 USERFILE? 

 Also, are there any guides to 'troubleshooting UUCP connections'?
I've got quite good at finding problems (having stubbed my toes on
most of them by now :-(), but there are undoubtedly other traps just
lurking out there just waiting for me. I have the Nutshell handbook
_Managing UUCP and USENET_ and have found it quite valuable; is there
anything else people would recommend? Better yet, is there some
documentation on the bugs ... ahem, idiosyncracies of the stock 3B1

 While I'm here ... Hint #38: Have an external modem you need to dial
with a chat script (to, say, dial something with pulse and then switch
to tone-dialing to get through a PBX), but don't want to always assert
CD on the modem (uucico requires DCD before it will go into the chat
script on a direct connection)? Just define a really dumb modem that
does nothing in modemcap, and point the appropriate L-devices entry at
it.  Unfortunately, this means you have to dial via chat scripts for
all connections over that modem at that speed, but it's better than

	You're a prisoner of the dark sky/The propeller blades are still
	And the evil eye of the hurricane's/Coming in for the kill
Chris Siebenmann		uunet!utgpu!{ontmoh!moore,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
cks at ziebmef.UUCP	     or	.....!utgpu!{,ontmoh!,ncrcan!brambo!}cks

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