rn fix for OBM usage (was Re: 3.51a keeps dying; even HDB is ...)

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Mon Jul 11 15:47:41 AEST 1988

In article <289 at argon.UUCP> ebh at argon.UUCP (Ed Horch) writes:
|>Speaking of bugs....
|>Can somebody send me the fix to rn to get around the "Can't open 
|>/dev/tty" message when dialing in from the OBM?
Ok, it's a fix for one or two lines.  I did this on my machine, and posted
this awhile ago.  It's the the "offical" fix, if there is one.  I know
it works thought :-)

This is in the file term.c (sorry this isn't in patch format):

/* set terminal characteristics */

char *tcbuf;		/* temp area for "uncompiled" termcap entry */
    char *tmpaddr;			/* must not be register */
    register char *tmpstr;
    char *tgetstr();
    char *s;
    int status;

#ifdef PENDING
#ifndef FIONREAD
    /* do no delay reads on something that always gets closed on exit */

    /* devtty = open("/dev/tty",0); */
    devtty = open("/dev/tty",O_RDWR|O_NDELAY); 
    if (devtty < 0) {
	printf(cantopen,"/dev/tty") FLUSH;
    /* fcntl(devtty,F_SETFL,O_NDELAY); */
    /* get all that good termcap stuff */

The only line you need to change/comment are those open and fcntl lines.

|>Also, is there any fix or workaround to the famous lost-inode problem
|>that occurs most often during news unbatching?  It's a real pain, more
|>because of its seemingly complete randomness than anything else.
No, because this isn't just an UNIX pc bug... It seems to happen on
all System V machines I've used.  I don't know what causes this though, but
to periodically do a "fsck" will fix this unallocated i-nodes...

Paper-net: Lenny Tropiano          | @-net:         lenny at icus.UUCP
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