TeX for the 3b1

Jack Stephens jms at wzlr.UUCP
Fri Jun 3 02:07:36 AEST 1988

In article <207 at jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG>, mark at jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG (Mark H. Colburn) writes:
> A while back, someone was offering a complete version of TeX which had
> been ported to the 3b1.  If my memory serves, this included a
> previewer and a bunch of printers supported, including Epsons,
> Imagewriters, etc.  I would be grateful for any information about
> this.
> -- 
> Mark H. Colburn           mark at jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG
>                           ..!ihnp4!chinet!jhereg!mark

Me too, please.
Jack Stephens
Digital Technology Resources             @@@@___@@@@@@@____@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@___
Costa Mesa, California                  @@@@@___ at ______@_______ at ______@______ at __
   "Where'd the bread go ?"           @@@@@@@___ at _______@______ at ______@_______ at _
   "Bears me.  Isn't that neat ?!"    @@@@@@@___ at _______@______ at ______@_____ at ___
UUCP:                                   @@@@@___ at ______@_______ at ______@______ at __
{arnold,berick,bert,hodge,jack}!wzlr!jms @@@@___@@@@@@@________ at ______@_______ at _

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