BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm

Charlie Root root at
Tue Jun 14 04:56:29 AEST 1988

As for libndir, there was a public domain implementaion of the directory
routines posted to comp.sources.unix a long time ago.  You can ftp it from  UUCP access through

I havn't seen a public domain impl. of libdbm.  I think that it is avail.
from AT&T.  If you try and port it from BSD sources, there is a problem
with when a database goes past one disk page.  Turns out there is a call
to bcopy, and memcopy, (and for that manor Wollengong's implementation of
BCOPY) does not handle it correctly.  A simple substitution is easy to whip

Jonathan Sadler
Computing Systems Lab (CSL)
University of Wisconsin - Madison

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