NWINDOWS in /etc/master, can I increase it?

Roger Abrahams roger at marque.mu.edu
Wed Jun 1 13:03:39 AEST 1988

In article <374 at icus.UUCP> lenny at icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
<I pressed "SUSPD" and it said 
<"Out of windows... please close some windows; please wait..."
<Why doesn't the window driver look at /etc/master?  What good is /etc/master
<if it doesn't?
<US MAIL  : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group        IIIII  CCC U   U  SSS
<           PO Box 1                                     I   C    U   U S
<           Islip Terrace, New York  11752               I   C    U   U  SS 
<PHONE    : (516) 968-8576 [H] (516) 582-5525 [W]        I   C    U   U    S
<TELEX    : 154232428 [ICUS]                           IIIII  CCC  UUU  SSS 
<AT&T MAIL: ...attmail!icus!lenny  
<UUCP     : ...{mtune, ihnp4, boulder, talcott, sbcs, bc-cis}!icus!lenny 

Well, I thought it might be important to know who sends the error message, and
I "strings"ed the /etc/lddrv/wind, and associated files in the lddrv dir.
Then I checked /unix and /lib/shlib.  Then I checked /etc/wmgr.  The error
shows up in /etc/wmgr.  So probably, you did create the extra windows/devices,
but you would have to get around the wmgr.  I suspect you might be able to use
them in some program, much as the "pty"s can be used by GNUEmacs, but you'll
probably be stuck until you find a way to modify wmgr.
						- Roger

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