UNIXPC Bad Blocks & 3.51 Diagnostic Disk

Sanford L. Barr slb at slbtoy.UUCP
Sat Mar 26 11:47:16 AEST 1988


	With the talk about Bad block errors in /usr/adm this just came
to mind.  A friend of mine pointed out that there's a "NON-DESTRUCTIVE"
surface test on the Diagnostic disk.  You'll have to go into the sub-system
menu (or for those guru's you can use the magic "s4test" cookie and select
it from there).  Go to "hard disk" and wait for a while as the system
does a read test and then a seek test.  You'll then be prompted if you
want to run the NON-distructive surface test.

	I know it's on 3.51, I'm not sure if it's on any of the earlier 
revisons of the system.  The test takes about 40 mins, and from what
I can gather it will add to the bad block list.  I ran it last night
but all it said was there were "12 bad blocks in table" - I'm not sure
whether it "found" the 12 bad blocks or whether they were already there.
(Lenny, you getting this?)

					Hope it's of some use,


/////        Sanford L. Barr                 | Voice phone: (516) 246-6349
////        --             --                | Address (USnail):
/// {mtune, bs-cis }\                        |
//  {ihnp4, boulder} !icus!mozart!slbtoy!slb | ATRIS LTD
/   {talcott, sbcs }/                        | 10 Kejaro CT
                                             | Centereach, N.Y. 11720
Alternates: atc at bnl.ARPA, atc at bnl.BITNET     | ATTN: Sanford L. Barr

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