AT&T UNIX PC: /etc/utmp Corruption and getlogin(3C) failing?

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sun Mar 6 11:02:55 AEST 1988

I have some strange things that happened to me on my UNIX PC today.
This happens every once and a while and I cannot understand what
is causing it.  I'm not running multiple-getty's on /dev/window.

Every so often I run a program that uses "getlogin(3C)" to get your
login name, and it returns "LOGIN".  Today, before rebooting my machine
to fix this problem (the only solution I can think of) I did a "who -a"
and it returned:

   .       system boot  Feb 10 07:29
   .       run-level 2  Feb 10 07:29    2    0    S
rc              .       Feb 10 07:33  old       4  id=  rc term=0   exit=0  
   .       old time     Feb 28 03:04
   .       new time     Feb 28 03:04
LOGIN      tty000       Feb 29 00:13  old    1227  
LOGIN      window       Mar  5 19:34  old   14805  
LOGIN      ph1          Mar  5 19:42   .    14996  id= ph1 term=15  exit=0  
LOGIN      tty000       Mar  5 13:18  old   11689  
lenny      w1           Mar  5 19:34  0:01  14805  

Why would there be multiple entries in /etc/utmp for /dev/window and /dev/w1
and the same goes for tty000.  Normally my "who -a" looks like:

   .       system boot  Mar  5 19:46
   .       run-level 2  Mar  5 19:46    2    0    S
rc              .       Mar  5 19:52  0:13      4  id=  rc term=0   exit=0  
   .       old time     Mar  5 19:47
   .       new time     Mar  5 19:47
LOGIN      ph1          Mar  5 19:52  0:13    133  
lenny      w1           Mar  5 19:52   .      132  
LOGIN      tty000       Mar  5 19:52  old     134  

Looking at my /usr/adm/sulog, it reveals the getlogin problem:

SU 03/05 17:50 + w1 lenny-root
SU 03/05 19:32 + window LOGIN-root
SU 03/05 19:46 + window LOGIN-root

Is there something I can do rebuild the /etc/utmp file and fix this
problem?  What might be causing it?

US MAIL  : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group        IIIII  CCC U   U  SSS
           PO Box 1                                     I   C    U   U S
	   Islip Terrace, New York  11752               I   C    U   U  SS 
PHONE    : (516) 968-8576 [H] (516) 582-5525 [W]        I   C    U   U    S
TELEX    : 154232428 [ICUS]                           IIIII  CCC  UUU  SSS 
AT&T MAIL: ...attmail!icus!lenny  
UUCP     : ...{mtune, ihnp4, boulder, talcott, sbcs, bc-cis}!icus!lenny 

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