Spurious interurupt - what is it?

C. Jeffery Small jeff at cjsa.UUCP
Thu Mar 31 00:09:32 AEST 1988

In article <7770 at alice.UUCP>, wilber at alice.UUCP writes:
> What does
>     Spurious interrupt - level 2
> in the unix.log file mean?  I've been getting lots of these.

I believe that both the winchester and the parallel printer port can
generate this message.  Typically though, a couple of these messages get
logged each time you turn on/off the printer connected to the parallel port.
To see if this is the case,  empty out the /usr/adm/unix.log file and then
toggle your printer on/off.  Recheck the file and see if these messages
haven't been recorded.

I have been receiving from 4 to 20 of these messages a day for over
2 years without any adverse affects.

Jeffery Small          (203) 776-2000     UUCP:   uunet!---\
C. Jeffery Small and Associates	                  ihnp4!--- hsi!cjsa!jeff
123 York Street, New Haven, CT  06511          hao!noao!---/

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