gcc for the 3B[12] ???

Edward L. Hepler elh at vu-vlsi.Villanova.EDU
Tue Mar 22 00:14:24 AEST 1988

In article <809 at wucs2.UUCP>, dwex at wuccrc (David Wexelblat) writes:
> In article <31200017 at ccvaxa> aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP writes:
> >
> >>/* ---------- "gcc for the 3B[12] ???" ---------- */
> >>Has anyone ported gcc to the 3B1 or 3B2? I would prefer a 3B2 version,
> >>Michael D. Walker          UUCP: walker at xanth.UUCP
> >Andy "Krazy" Glew. Gould CSD-Urbana.    1101 E. University, Urbana, IL 61801
> I am currently working on this beast.  It is coming along nicely, and I should
> have it done this week (there is some serious strangeness in the assembler
> David Wexelblat	   Washington University in St. Louis  (314) 889-4794
> UUCP:		   dwex at wuccrc.UUCP  or  ..!{ihnp4,uunet}!wucs1!wuccrc!dwex
> ARPANET:	   wucs1!wuccrc!dwex at uunet.uu.net
> CSNET:		   wucs1!wuccrc!dwex%uunet.uu.net at csnet-relay or
> 		   wucs1!wuccrc!dwex.uucp%bbncv.ARPA at csnet-relay

I got gcc to compile (make it work on a 3b1 (SYS V)) a few months back for some
computer architecture work that I am doing.  alex at umbc3 has added unixpc tm and
md files to allow gcc to generate code that the 3b1 assembler likes.  He has
generated diffs and should be contacted for a copy.  I ran some of the common 
"benchmarks" using both the distributed C compiler and GCC and thought that you
all might like to see some of the results.  Note that since both compilers use
a common I/O subsystem, the only real differences show up in "CPU intensive"
benchmarks..  I haven't figured out yet why Dhrystone is slower with GCC??!

Ed Hepler
elh at vu-vlsi

UNIX elhunx SYSTEM5 3.5 mc68k

MODEL:	3b1
CPU:	68010
CLOCK:	10Mhz
FPA:	None
                           gcc                     cc

BENCHMARK           REAL   USER   SYS         REAL   USER   SYS
---------           ----   ----   ---         ----   ----   ---
tst.sh               3.7    0.2    0.8         3.5    0.2    0.9
multi.sh 1           3.8    0.2    1.0         3.6    0.2    1.0
multi.sh 1 2         5.3    0.5    2.2         5.6    0.5    2.1
multi.sh 1 2 3       7.9    0.9    3.0         8.8    0.9    3.2
multi.sh 1 2 3 4     10.5   1.4    4.1         10.4   1.3    4.0
multi.sh 1 2 3 4 5   13.3   1.2    5.7         11.9   1.7    5.0
dwrite:              2.2    0.0    0.7         2.8    0.0    0.8
dread:               1.1    0.0    0.6         1.4    0.0    0.7
fcalla:              0.3    0.1    0.0         0.4    0.1    0.0
fcalle:              0.9    0.7    0.0         1.1    0.9    0.0
fibo:                20.4   19.9   0.1         18.7   18.0   0.1
float:               49.3   46.7   0.2         46.1   45.3   0.1
iofile:              2.7    0.2    2.0         2.8    0.1    2.0
loop:                3.4    3.2    0.0         6.4    6.2    0.0
pipes:               3.6    0.0    1.5         3.7    0.0    1.5
scall:               7.1    0.3    6.6         7.3    0.2    6.7
sieve:               1.9    1.7    0.1         2.3    2.1    0.0
bytesort:            19.4   18.5   0.3         26.0   25.1   0.1
iocall:              7.2    0.2    6.8         7.2    0.2    6.6
dryr: 831 dhry/sec   1:01.1 1:00.5 0.1 1049 d/s48.6   47.9   0.1
drynr: 831 dhry/sec  1:01.1 1:00.5 0.1  987 d/s51.7   50.9   0.1

Thu Feb 11 23:57:14 EST 1988

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