Swapping and wmgr

Darren Friedlein darren at bacchus
Tue May 24 22:33:12 AEST 1988

In article <153 at elgar.UUCP> ford at kenobi.UUCP (Mike Ditto) writes:
>In article <449 at bacchus> darren at bacchus (Darren Friedlein) writes:
>>I have a question that I'm hoping someone can answer... I run phdaemon on
>>my machine and when memory has to be swapped out to disk, phdaemon fails,
>>leaves me a message under the [!!] icon and I re-start it.
>What is the message?  How do you know it has anything to do with
>swapping (and do you really mean swapped, as in a "0" Flags entry in
>ps -fl, or just normal VM paging)?

When smgr (found out I had the wrong mgr) displayed the [!!] icon before,
the message I got was that phdaemon died because SOMETHING was swapped
out, either phdaemon or a program it was monitoring.  This time, smgr
quit completely right after the [!!] icon appeared.  From ps, I could
see that the system load was real heavy.  This doesn't assure that
swapping was the cause, but that would be my best guess.

What is the difference between a process being swapped out and normal
VM paging?  I thought the UNIXpc could only support 4M or virtual memory,
but when I formatted the drive, it reserved 6M of space.

>					-=] Ford [=-
>"Once there were parking lots,		(In Real Life:  Mike Ditto)
>now it's a peaceful oasis.		ford%kenobi at crash.CTS.COM
>This was a Pizza Hut,			...!sdcsvax!crash!kenobi!ford
>now it's all covered with daisies." -- Talking Heads
        /    \
       |                                 Rt 4, Box 416, Durham, NC 27703
  _____|_____     Darren G. Friedlein      data (bacchus) : 919/596-7746
 /     |     \                                      voice : 919/596-9492
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