A bunch of questions about UUCP on the Unix PC

Charles A. Sefranek cals at cals01.zone1.com
Fri May 20 21:39:17 AEST 1988

In article <802 at oswego.Oswego.EDU> ostroff at oswego.UUCP (Boyd Ostroff) writes:
>SO,  here's what I'd like to know...
>1) Does this sound like the same problem that others have experienced
>with 3.51 uucp?

Yes !  My machine ran fine for four months before I established a uucp
connection. After that it would "crash" about every two weeks. Once it
did so while I was using vi - symptoms identical to what you describe,
even the HD- spurious interrupt error.
	I discovered that EVERY incident occurred when uucico encountered
an error after establishing a connection. The crash happened when uucico
tried to exit. Check your /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE.
	Since then I have installed the 3.51a fix disk [all of it] and have
had two (count them, *two*) uucico errors, WITH NO CRASH!!! Needless to say
I think this is great, but I've only had the fix in for less than a week
now (fingers crossed).
	Good luck !
	Charles A. Sefranek	cals at cals01.zone1.com
	Charles A. Sefranek	cals at cals01.zone1.com

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