Swapping and wmgr

Ford Prefect ford at elgar.UUCP
Mon May 23 03:32:00 AEST 1988

In article <449 at bacchus> darren at bacchus (Darren Friedlein) writes:
>I have a question that I'm hoping someone can answer... I run phdaemon on
>my machine and when memory has to be swapped out to disk, phdaemon fails,
>leaves me a message under the [!!] icon and I re-start it.

What is the message?  How do you know it has anything to do with
swapping (and do you really mean swapped, as in a "0" Flags entry in
ps -fl, or just normal VM paging)?

>							     No big
>problem.  The last two times, however, the [!!] icon flashed on and then
>the whole status bar right of "DATA 2:" went to dots.

I have seen wmgr (on 3.51) dump core when I do some bizarre things
with s_Suspd/s_Rsume/Suspd while windows are being created/deleted.
Maybe it's that?  But what you describe means that smgr went bye-
bye as well.  Look for a core file if in happens again.

>							I assume that
>this means that wmgr is failing when it is swapped out too.

It is very difficult for a program to find out whether it has been
swapped out.  Are you suspecting a system-wide problem with swap
errors?  If you ever run a program and immediately see "Killed"
instead, that probably means you are having I/O errors on the swap
device.  If you find a core file of wmgr, however, it's probably just
a bug in wmgr which almost certainly has nothing to do with paging.
On a standard system, wmgr's current directory is /etc/lddrv, so that
is the place to look for the core.

					-=] Ford [=-

"Once there were parking lots,		(In Real Life:  Mike Ditto)
now it's a peaceful oasis.		ford%kenobi at crash.CTS.COM
This was a Pizza Hut,			...!sdcsvax!crash!kenobi!ford
now it's all covered with daisies." -- Talking Heads

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