MS Word on UNIX PC comments ?

Bill Carpenter wjc at ho5cad
Wed May 11 23:14:48 AEST 1988

In article <463 at david.UUCP>, david at david (David A. Roth) writes:
>I am thinking of buying MS Word for the UNIX PC for my wife to use. I
>know nothing about MS Word. Does anyone have any experiences using MS
>Word on the UNIX PC that used it on MS-DOS systems? Are there
>any features missing or problems with what printers it will work

[I haven't used MSWord a lot, but I did play with it for a few days to
see if it would be  worthwhile to put a  lot  of time into it.   These
comments are based  on that.   Sorry,  I  don't remember  the  version
number of MS Word that I was looking at.   It was about 15 months ago,
I think.]

1.  Apparently, there is no way to  add or modify  printer description
in  the  UnixPC version.   They're all  hardwired  in.   So, if you're
lucky, you're lucky.  If you're not, you're stuck.

2.  I called  MS with several  questions.  They weren't interested  in
helping  me at  all.   They   didn't do the  port for   the UnixPC and
disclaimed all knowledge or  responsibility about it.  They advised me
to see my dealer.

3.  I called  the UnixPC hotline,  and they were   fairly helpful  and
knowledgeable about the  MS Word  product.  Alas, that knowledge added
up to confirming my  fears. I surmise  whoever did  the port must have
been under a  lot  of time pressure.    If you know  about  a  MS Word
feature under MSDOS but can't find  it mentioned in the UnixPC version
document  (or if you find  it in the  document but it  doesn't seem to
work), then it probably wasn't ported or doesn't work right.
	Bill Carpenter
	(AT&T gateways)!ho5cad!wjc

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