Want to set up Public Access UNIX PC

M. Anthony Kapolka 3 blodtoad at pitt.UUCP
Mon May 16 07:33:39 AEST 1988

In article <728 at rush.cts.com> bob at rush.cts.com (Bob "Rush" Ames) writes:
>I'm setting up a UNIX PC for public access and am interested in hearing
>from others who have done this.  Are there any UNIX PC BBSs out there?
>What types of BBS software are available?  I'm only interested in providing
>news, mail, and possibly local discussions, to the outside world.  Users will 
>not get to shells or Offices.
>RRRR    U   U    SSS    HHHHH     INET: bob at rush.cts.com


I just started running a BBS with a 7300, 40M HD.  Two public domain BBS
packages are SBBS and UNaXcess.  Both have been posted to comp.sources.unix
and can be obtained via anonymous ftp at uunet.uu.net.  Make sure you get
the SECOND UNaXcess (V 1.00.02).  If you have trouble I can send them.

SBBS is mostly written in shell scripts, and hence quite slow.  It is easily
modified "on the fly" however.  UNaXcess is distributed w/o rights to modify,
although I am sorely tempted.  It is written in C and has pretty good message
base capability.  Mail is done via private messages (I don't like that) and
there is no way to add features (such as online programs) without modifying
the code.

Recently, I called a 7300 running a BBS in Ohio.  The number is

>Organization: Ham BBS, Columbus,Oh. 614-457-4227 (300/1200,8N1)
>Gary W. Sanders	 	{cbosgd|ihnp4}!osu-cis!n8emr!gws
>(cis) 72277,1325 	(packet) N8EMR @ W8CQK
>HAM/SWL BBS (HBBS) 614-457-4227.. 300/1200 bps

He had something called XBBS running.  I inquired about obtaining it and
am waiting to hear from him.

Also, there was another recent post.  Briefly,

>First some background.  I have a 3B1 with 2 MB RAM/67 MB disk and am
>running 3.51 as supplied with my machine last fall.  I run a BBS 24 hrs
>daily using my own software.  I have a data line hooked up to /dev/ph1 
>Boyd Ostroff * Technical Director * Department of Theatre * SUNY Oswego
>Voice: (315) 341-2138  *  sysop "The CallBoard": (315) 947-6414 300/1200 baud
>Internet: ostroff at oswego.Oswego.EDU

I have also just sent him an inquiry and am waiting to hear.
Perhaps we could all move a discussion of Unix PC BBSing to private mail?

My plans are to get a usenet feed for my machine (just 3 or 4 groups and mail).
I'd like to get mailer software for Fidonet... but I don't think anyone has
written that on a Unix machine... the UUCP-Fido gateways I know of are IBM PCs
running UUCP-type mailers.

My machine is "The Electric Eclectic UNIX Box" at (412)-431-UNIX.  It hasn't
really become established yet, but I have both SBBS and UNaXcess running.

Hope that helps.  Let's keep in touch!

kapolka at vax.cs.pittsburgh.edu
...{allegra, cadre}!pitt!kapolka		M. Anthony Kapolka III
anthony at pittvms.Bitnet

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