Wanted: new/used 7300/3b1

eric townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Thu May 19 05:51:07 AEST 1988

(Sorry to xpost, but I wanted to give everybody a chance to reply... :-)

I'd like to get my hands on another 7300/3b1.  Anyone having one
for sale, or that has an address for one of the cheap-house mail
order folks, please let me know.

My basic concern now is a motherboard, floppy, monitor, mouse, etc.
I would settle for a 10megger if I had to, but I prefer something
larger.  (Spoiled by 3b1 w/ 67Mb :-)

I'm willing to trade if you are.  How about a 1975 Caddy Eldorado
w/ 500 CID engine?  Anything in particular you're looking for?
Let me know... :-)

Ignore the .signature and reply to:
                                Know Future
If you don't skate UNIX, don't even *try* to relate...
J. Eric Townsend ->uunet!nuchat!flatline!erict smail:511Parker#2,Hstn,Tx,77007

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