3.51a ?

David Herron -- One of the vertebrae david at ms.uky.edu
Sat May 14 15:44:43 AEST 1988

In article <261 at ditka.UUCP> kls at ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) writes:
>In article <83 at ihtlt.UUCP> tlt at ihtlt.UUCP (T. L. Todd) writes:
>>In addition does anyone know for certain if each of the fixes actually work?
>I was having lots of problems with the maching hanging at the
>end of a uucp session; the fixed uucico seems to clear that up.

My experience with this was that I installed all the fixes.  Then
the machine started locking up -- the |WORKING| icon would stay on
and I'd get little to no response from any keys -- and the lockup
didn't really seem to be related to anything in particular.  I
eventually tried backing out the different patches one-by-one
and backing out the new uucico stopped the lockups.  The only problem
is I really *liked* that feature of the new uucico where it wouldn't
turn the speaker on when making calls.  Now I have to remember to turn
the speaker down before going to bed or I'll get woken up at 3am :-(.

Are you implying that there's a newer uucico than the one on
the fixdisk?
<---- David Herron -- The E-Mail guy            <david at ms.uky.edu>
<---- or:                {rutgers,uunet,cbosgd}!ukma!david, david at UKMA.BITNET                                  
<---- Windowing... The Amiga has windowing. The Mac has windowing (echoes of
<---- Jonathan Livingston Seagull: "Just flying? A mosquito can do that much!").

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