Questions on 3B1 Dual EIA Combo boards.

Steve Wampler sbw at naucse.UUCP
Tue May 17 03:55:02 AEST 1988

I've finally decided I can't live with a single RS-232 port
any longer, and so want to purchase a board with 2 RS-232 ports
on it for my 3b1.  However, while I'm at it, I may as well bump
my memory up by getting a combo board.  The boards I've seen
mentioned here seem to have no more than 0.5MB on them, but my
memory seems to remember that you can go up to 1.5MB on one.

Any advice on how to proceed would be most welcome.  (Purchase
a 0MB Combo board (from where) and upgrade it (with what)?,
Purchase a 1.5MB Combo board (from where)?  etc.)

Please try to email me.  I'll post a summary if there is interest.
	Steve Wampler

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