ld(1) -F (0413 demand paged) (was Re: What's the difference)

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sun May 29 07:13:00 AEST 1988

In article <95 at tarkus.UUCP> jcs at tarkus.UUCP (John C. Sucilla) writes:
|>>What's the -F stuff in the first example? The files are the same size both
|>>unstripped and stripped.
|>It means the first example had the -F switch turned on during the ld phase.
|>Whats makes this better than the -z option (besides alleged faster paging)
|>I don't understand.  Check out LD(1) in your users manual volume II. It says
|>-F is the default but I don't believe it, I've never seen anything I
|>compiled display that when file'd.  Apparently, it works for you though,

I suppose the magic number of the executable image is something the kernel
has to interpret.  0413 must be detected by the kernel for the "alleged
faster paging", I'm not sure about this.

$ ld /lib/crt0s.o /lib/shlib.ifile file.o -s -o file

Creates the file without 0413 for some reason. (even though it's the default)

$ ld -s -o file file.o /lib/crt0s.o /lib/shlib.ifile 

Creates the 0413 demand paged option.

Why does the placement of the "-s -o" options and the shared file objects
have anything to do with it?

Is this another lurking bug?

US MAIL  : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group        IIIII  CCC U   U  SSS
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