loadable device drivers (and line disciplines)
Michael "Ford" Ditto
ditto at cbmvax.UUCP
Mon Nov 7 17:50:24 AEST 1988
In article <6637 at rosevax.Rosemount.COM> jonwest at rosevax.Rosemount.COM (Jon Westbrock) writes:
>I am interested talking to anyone who has dealt with loadable device
>drivers for the unix pc. I am especially need of information about
>what happens when a driver is loaded and how the line disciplines routines
>that can be written are related to the line disciplines in linesw[].
I have found several problems with /etc/lddrv/lddrv related to drivers with
line disciplines. In particular, it seems that id doesn't correctly compare
the entry-point symbol names; it thinks "FOOin" is the "FOOinit" routine and
calls it immediately when the driver is installed! Apparrently, it just
compares the first 5 characters, since the AT&T-supplied "xt" driver loads
just fine while my driver called "sxt" has the above mentioned problem.
Also, I found that lddrv didn't put an entry in linesw[] when my driver was
loaded, even if I had told it the driver had linesw functions. But again,
the "xt" driver is in conflict with this: it simply looks for an entry with
(linesw[n].l_input == xtin) and uses n.
I ended up not telling lddrv about my linesw functions and searching for
(linesw[n].l_input == sxtin), and if I don't find one, I search for
(linesw[n].l_input == NODEV), and then poke my functions into that slot.
Currently, the first search will always fail, but I put I put it in just in
case I ever get lddrv to work the "right" way. I have verified that lddrv
will avoid using that slot after I "take it over".
Here's the code I am currently using in my sxt driver (don't bother asking
for it; it's not finished and it's not on the top of my project stack,
int sxtline; /* "global" variable which holds linesw slot # */
for ( sxtline = 0 ; sxtline < linecnt ; ++sxtline )
if (linesw[sxtline].l_input == sxtin)
for ( sxtline = 0 ; sxtline < linecnt ; ++sxtline )
if ((linesw[sxtline].l_input == nodev) &&
(linesw[sxtline].l_output == nodev))
linesw[sxtline].l_input = sxtin;
linesw[sxtline].l_output = sxtout;
/* other fields would be initialized here if needed. */
u.u_error = ENXIO;
-=] Ford [=-
"The number of Unix installations (In Real Life: Mike Ditto)
has grown to 10, with more expected." ford at kenobi.cts.com
- The Unix Programmer's Manual, ...!sdcsvax!crash!elgar!ford
2nd Edition, June, 1972. ditto at cbmvax.commodore.com
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