login security package

Hans Jespersen hjespersen at trillium.waterloo.edu
Wed Nov 30 04:33:11 AEST 1988

In article <185 at loci.UUCP> clb at loci.UUCP (Charles Brunow) writes:
>	I know this guy and his software and I wouldn't touch it with
>	a stick.  This stuff is developed (loosely interpreted) on a
>	xenix box and I recommend that you go through it very carefully
>	before you put on real Unix. 

I would hope that most people would go through code they pull off the net
regardless of who wrote it. The easiest way to spread a worm/virus is
by having others carry it for you. I would insist on source code and
go through it carefully. I don't think this is paranoid, in fact, one
can learn alot from looking at the junk that other people write ;-).

Hans Jespersen           | uunet!watmath!trillium!hjespersen
University of Waterloo   | " C language combines the power of assembly language
Waterloo, Ontario        |   with the ease-of-use of assembly language."

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