Fed up with Gnu CC

Brant Cheikes brant at manta.pha.pa.us
Wed Nov 30 12:02:33 AEST 1988

OK, folks, I've diddled unsuccessfully with GCC as much as I intend to
for the near term.  I tried compiling Gnu Emacs 18.52 with GCC 1.26
(Alex Crain's binaries), GCC 1.30, and GCC 1.31, always using gcc with
the -O flag.  In all cases the resulting executables did not work
properly, usually bombing during startup, with a Bus Error or Memory
Fault.  My GCC 1.31 was initially compiled with GCC 1.26, and was able
to successfully compile itself.

I have gotten GCC to (apparently) successfully compile some other
programs, including bison and gnuchess.  Yet it's so inconsistent that
I don't trust it.  Unless someone can show me some mistake I made, I
would recommend that those without the time or ability to become
intimately familiar with GCC's innards (and thus help get it working)
just leave it alone.
Brant Cheikes
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Computer and Information Science
brant at manta.pha.pa.us, brant at linc.cis.upenn.edu, bpa!manta!brant

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