Eliminating Modem Errors...A Hint

j eric townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Mon Nov 7 02:39:32 AEST 1988

In article <106 at numen.UUCP>, tcamp at numen.UUCP (Ted Campbell) writes:
> After several tries to connect, it
> begins giving the message MAX RECOUNT...etc.  which evidently 
> If you become 'su' and 
> eliminate this [STST.systemname] file, your Unix PC will again at least 
> attempt to communicate.  Prior to discovering this, 
> my only recourse was to shutdown and restart.  

You don't even have to go to su.  Just use this handy little script:

------cut here------
# remst -- deletes status files and does something about MAXCALLS
# This first is for non-HDB
# rm /usr/spool/uucp/STST*

# For HDB:
rm /usr/spool/uucp/.Status/*
"I'm doing a survey on this kind of mindless violence and its affect on
the mindless..."  -- Max Headroom (who else but?)
J. Eric Townsend                  smail: 511 Parker #2, Houston, Tx, 77007
Inet: COSC3AF at george.uh.edu             UUCP:  uunet!nuchat!flatline!erict
Bitnet: COSC3AF at UHVAX1.BITNET            ..!bellcore!tness1!/

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