GCC bootstrapping woes

Root root1 at booth.UUCP
Thu Nov 3 10:20:16 AEST 1988

In article <1010 at banzai.UUCP> roger at banzai.UUCP (Roger Florkowski) writes:

[stuff deleted]

>In the make file, put this into CFLAGS:
>CFLAGS=-Wp,-traditional [+ stuff that is already there]
>Good luck.  If that still fails, just grab gcc-1.30 from unix-pc.sources

I would like to but we received only the last 15 parts of this.  Part 1 never 
got here...

Anyone else have the same problem?

>Roger Florkowski				uunet!uvm-gen!banzai!roger
>The People's Computer Company			`Revolutionary Programming'

						- Roger

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