Want uucico to work without answering the phone

Andrew Poling ecf_hap at jhunix.JHU.EDU
Sun Nov 27 14:39:41 AEST 1988

Well I came up with a solution to a problem - and it seems too easy :-).  I
wanna see if anyone can poke holes in it.

I've got a UNIXpc at home, and one at work.  I've got the two set up so that
the one at home polls the one at work (phone rings at 3AM at work, nobody
cares).  The next obstacle was setting up the unixpc at home so that it
could make uucico calls, but wouldn't answer the phone every time it rang.

I RTFM'd all about phone(7), phone(4), and the Interface Specification
Manual and couldn't figure out a way to make this so.  Then I got to
thinking about the god-blessed-phone-manager and the fiddling it's compelled
to do in inittab every time I change the line mode (VOICE<==>DATA).

What I ended up doing was changing the inittab entry for ph0 from "respawn"
to "off" - that way, it doesn't matter whether the phone-manager's
colon-comment is there or not - that getty ain't gonna run.  Now I can just
leave the line set for "DATA" without fear that the damn pc will answer the

Oh yeah - I didn't just use phtoggle 'cause I'm still stuck at 3.5; ain't
got no 3.51.  I'm posting this for two reasons:
	1) if there's a reason not to do this, someone'll find it;
	2) other people may have the same problem and might even benefit :-)

So how about it?  Is this little prank on the phone-manager gonna bite me?

.  *        .       *           .     *  .     *   .     *    *     .       *
  .     *     _        .   *     *    .  .   *      andy at gollum.hcf.jhu.edu  .
    *  .    _/ \   *   _   .      .  *      *       *    .       *     .
\          /    \_   _/ \      *         _/\   *    ap at ipgate.hcf.jhu.edu    *
 \   . * _/  /\   \ / () \_       /\_   /   \_*  .   *   .       *    .    .
^ \_    /         _/       \    _/   \_/   <> \_    ecf_hap at jhunix.UUCP
    \ /`     <>  /   <>     \_ /   <>     _     \  *       .         *      .
\    \_  ()   __/        _    \  /\      / \_ ^  \   L64A0429 at jhuvm.BITNET  .
   /\  \_   _/   ()    _/ \_   \_      _/    \_   \___________________________

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