3b1tools sources

Muhammad S. Benten benten at tigger.colorado.edu
Wed Nov 2 11:44:58 AEST 1988

Hello netlanders,

Finally the sources for "3b1tools" are sent to comp.sources.misc, so
watch for it there.   The new version of "3b1tools" requires a patch
to nkbd.c of the CAPCTRL loadable device driver.  This patch is included
in the sources.  I will also soon make both 3b1tools and CAPCTRL
as well as some bitmap conversion programs available via anonymous
ftp from boulder.colorado.edu.  It is not yet available and I'll
let you know when it is.

   || Muhammad S. Benten                                                      |
   || Elect. & Comp. Eng. Dept.                                               |
   || University of Colorado, Boulder                                         |
   ||                                                                         |
   || email   ---->      benten at boulder.Colorado.EDU                          |
   ||        or        ..{ncar|nbires}!boulder!benten                         |

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