login security package

Charles Brunow clb at loci.UUCP
Tue Nov 29 02:07:13 AEST 1988

In article <519 at whizz.uucp>, bbh at whizz.uucp (Bud Hovell) writes:
> John Hough (jfh at rpp386) is building a drop-in replacement login, and this
> posting is to inquire for some wizard who is willing to assist on the beta
> testing by providing feedback on mods and suggestions for enabling it to run
> on the UNIXPC.

	I know this guy and his software and I wouldn't touch it with
	a stick.  This stuff is developed (loosely interpreted) on a
	xenix box and I recommend that you go through it very carefully
	before you put on real Unix. 

			CLBrunow - KA5SOF
	clb at loci.uucp, loci at csccat.uucp, loci at killer.dallas.tx.us
	  Loci Products, POB 833846-131, Richardson, Texas 75083

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