Will a Fujitsu M2344 disk drive work on a 3b1?

Richard Foulk richard at uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu
Mon Nov 21 23:42:30 AEST 1988

} As far as hard drives that "can" be used in the UNIX pc, the necessary
} things need to be looked into:
} 	o   less than 8 heads if *NO* P5.1 upgrade
} 	    less than 15 heads if P5.1 upgraded
} 	o   ST-506/412 interface (not SCSI, EDSI, HSMD, SMD, etc.)

If someone is determined to use an SCSI or EDSI you might be
able to get one of the converter boards to do the trick for
you.  I think they run about $100.


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