Convert modem to serial port?

Gary L. Grebus glg at balrog.UUCP
Tue Nov 22 15:31:32 AEST 1988

Here's one for the hardware hard would it be turn the 
unix-pc 1200 baud modem into a serial port?  Is there a separate serial
chip that could be hooked to the outside world, or is everything done by the
modem chip?  Maybe the hard part of this would be kludging a the device
driver to run it.

A 1200 baud modem is getting less useful all the time.


Gary Grebus (K8LT), 16 North Mason Rd., Brookline, NH  03033-2452
Uucp:      decvax!balrog!glg		     (home)
	   decwrl!!grebus       (work)
Internet:  grebus at
Voice:     (603)673-8299                     (home)
           (508)264-5789                     (work)
Ham Packet: K8LT @ KB4N

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