Unix PC uucp via PC Pursuit?

Rick Kimball rick at kimbal.UUCP
Wed Nov 30 11:16:46 AEST 1988

>From article <138 at orac.UUCP>, by pat at orac.UUCP (Pat Barron):
> Does anyone have a working "expect-send" sequence to call a UUCP site via
> PC Pursuit?  If so, could you send it to me?  I'm mainly interested in
> the correct PAD parameter settings, but a working expect-send sequence
> (without your PC Pursuit userid and password, of course!) would be most
> helpful.

I use a very simple one to connect to my PC-Pusuit news feed.  I'm
lucky because most of the time I can connect with GAATL the first
time.  You on the other hand might have a harder time depending on
where you try and connect.  Forget about using this chat script
with TXDAL, ILCHI, etc...

This is a chat script for the standard UNIX-PC UUCP not HDB...

sitename Wk1803-0500 ph1 1200 422-4088 "" \rD\r TERMINAL= D1\r @ C\040D/GAATL/12,PCP12345,PASSWD12\r CTED \rATZ\r OK ATDT5551212\r in:-BREAK-in: unixid rd: passwd

You might want to check out a program call "pcp".  I helped the
author get it to work on the UNIX-PC (Russ Lawrence russ at wpg).  It
allows you to call PC-Pursuit and "pound" on a City until you are
connected, then it would invoke uucico.  I didn't feel comfortable
enough with to use it.  I was afraid it would call at the wrong time
or hang the modem.  That was at least 6 months ago, I'm sure he has
improved it by now.

Another option is a dialer program "dialp" someone sent me that works
with XENIX.  I'm sure it would take a lot of hacking to make it work
on the UNIX-PC.  But at least the all the PC-Pursuit states are
there.  ( I can post this if any one wants it).

If anyone has a better solution let me know, I'd very be interested.

Rick Kimball | Mac Source BBS, Altamonte Springs, FL     DATA (407) 862-6214
             |                                          VOICE (407) 788-6875
UUCP: rick at kimbal ..!gatech!fabscal!kimbal!rick ..!ucf-cs!sdgsun!kimbal!rick

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