KCL on a unix-pc

Alex S. Crain alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU
Tue Oct 11 05:56:27 AEST 1988

	I recently redid my port of KCL to the 3b1, and will happily mail
it to anyone interested.

	KCL (Koyto Common Lisp) is a full implementation of Steel's 
_Common Lisp the Language_, and includes a compliler. It is reletively small
for a CL system, but is still huge for a unixpc program, occupying some
4.5meg of disk space for the execuable images. (this will go down to ~3meg
as soon as I can fix undump). I have been using the system for about a year
and it works well enough.

	You will need to get a copy of the kcl distribution, about 1.3meg
compressed, which is available from a variety of archive sites.

					Systems Programmer
nerwin!alex at umbc3.umd.edu		UMBC
alex at umbc3.umd.edu

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