Interesting software available on skeeve

Arnold D. Robbins arnold at skeeve.UUCP
Mon Oct 10 07:43:23 AEST 1988

Once again, it is time to update the list of interesting software that
is available via anonymous UUCP from skeeve. The software is described
below. Please note: ***the directory where this is kept has changed***.

OK. Here are the details:

	Phone:		+1 404 633-1813 - 1200 baud Unix/PC on-board modem
	Login:		getnews
	Password:	getnews
  >>>>	Directory:	/usr/spool/uucppublic/dist  <<<<

The files available are listed by group. Each line is the file name,
the size in bytes, and a brief description of the contents.

The .Z suffix means this stuff is compressed. You can get compress from
THE STORE!, and it comes with the news software.

The phone line listed above is dedicated to skeeve, so feel free to call
at any time of day. It is however, only the 1200 baud modem that comes
with the 3B1. I don't own a trailblazer or even a 2400 baud modem, and
probably never will....

B News Software:
	doc.cpio.Z	111197	documentation
	man.cpio.Z	26692	man pages
	misc.cpio.Z	42380	miscellanious programs
	src.cpio.Z	264431	main programs source code

GNU Software:
	bison.cpio.Z	89157	parser generator - yacc replacement
	gawk.cpio.Z	106165	gnu awk - beta 1.03 - approximately V7 awk
	gdiff.tar.Z	97853	gnu diff
	grep.tar.Z	87431	gnu grep and egrep replacement

Software written by Larry Wall (all at latest official patchlevels):
	rn.cpio.Z	247581	world famous news reading program
	patch.shar.Z	58187	applies context diffs, also world famous
	perl2.cpio.Z	320917	perl language interpreter

	flex.readme	3221	fast lex - PD-ish lex replacement README
	flex.shar.Z	93547	fast lex - PD-ish lex replacement
	mush-6.3.tar.Z	270233	Mail User's Shell - better than mailx
	rcs.tar.Z	196209	Resource Control System - RCS
	sc.shar.Z	66525	Spreadsheet Calculator - SC 5.2 - PD
	smail.shar.Z	68049	UUCP Project's Smail 2.5

There is a file named INDEX in the directory that will be an up to date
ls -l of what I have.

What has changed since last time:

I just recently acquired the GNU Diff and GNU Grep programs. GNU diff
has a bunch of unofficial bug fixes from the gnu.utils group already
applied, so I left the .orig files in. GNU Grep has to be untar'ed as
root on the unix/pc, since it extracts a subdirectory (this is the untouched
tar file straight from

Bison is also a very recent version, and gawk is the latest version
from This version of gawk is basically compatible with
the one distributed with Unix through SVR3. It is not compatible with the
nawk distributed with SVR3.1 and described in the AWK book by Aho, Kernighan
and Weinberger, however the GNU project has such a version under development
and scheduled for Beta release in the near future. When it's ready, I'll
make it available.

RCS is the RCS you've heard about, as in the RCS vs. SCCS wars that
happen every so often in comp.unix.wizards. It requires the 4.3 BSD
diff, however, gnu diff may do the job instead. It was available for
anonymous ftp from Purdue, so I have no problem putting it up on skeeve,
but note that the code has a copyright on it and there is a license
agreement. I have not done any work with it for the Unix/PC, although
I use it all the time at work.

Mush is the Mail Users SHell, a rather nifty program for reading your
mail. I like it because it has a screen oriented interface. If you
have access to a Sun, it also has a suntools interface.

"Crack-pot societies of all kinds sprang up everwhere, advocating everything
from absolutism to anarchy. Queer cults arose, preaching free love, the
imminent end of the world, and many other departures from the norm of thought."
E.E. "Doc" Smith, Children of the Lens, 1954 | Arnold Robbins, skeeve!arnold

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