Status of IDT?

Lawrence A. Deleski lad at eplrx7.UUCP
Thu Oct 13 23:59:08 AEST 1988

>From article <2483 at>, by richard at (Richard Foulk):
> } development on the 3b1 SCSI card to slow down.  This I could have
> } lived with, but he also went on to say that sometime in the next
> } couple of weeks that there will be some sort of meeting that a
> } corporate decision will be made of whether or not to "shelf" the 3b1
> } SCSI project until other products (ie. for the mac -- due to a larger
> } market) are finished.
> Perhaps now would be a good time for anyone who cares to give them
> a call and express interest in it.
> Richard

Perhaps I can shed some light on the IDT situation.  I'm very close to
them,  and have been talking to them on almost a daily basis.  Here's what
I know.

First,  the IDT SCSI is real,  in hardware that is.  Their problem all
along is SOFTWARE.  Not enough documentation exsists for them to write a
decent SCSI device driver.  They've used every outlet that they ( or I)
could think of,  ATT.  ATT VARS,  Convergent,  anybody and everybody,  but
no luck.

So here's a plea in behalf of IDT:  If you know how to write loadable
device drivers,  or know where sufficient documentation can be had to help
them do it,  then please call them.  I'm sure they won't admit it,  but
they need the software help.  

Second,  other projects (mainly for the Mac) are taking time away from the
SCSI development.  If they had been further along with the software,
however,  I'm sure the SCSI would be here by now.

        Lawrence A. Deleski         |       E.I. Dupont Co.
        uunet!eplrx7!lad            |       Engineering Physics Lab
        Cash-We-Serve 76127,104     |       Wilmington, Delaware 19898
        MABELL:  (302) 695-9353     |       Mail Stop: E357-302
        Lawrence A. Deleski         |       E.I. Dupont Co.
        uunet!eplrx7!lad            |       Engineering Physics Lab
        Cash-We-Serve 76127,104     |       Wilmington, Delaware 19898
        MABELL:  (302) 695-9353     |       Mail Stop: E357-302

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