))))) WANTED : visual spell checker (((((

Andy Pitts andy at rbdc.UUCP
Fri Oct 14 05:22:08 AEST 1988

>: In article <449 at mrsvr.UUCP> ssa at mrsvr.UUCP (6607) writes:
>Has anyone noticed vspell missing words that spell catches (happens on my
>3b1 unixpc).  I haven't looked into it yet, but it effectively ruled out using
>vspell to help my son (who is spelling dyslexic). 

There is a minor bug in inspell.c that causes vspell to ignore the first line
in a file.  You can work around this by always leaving the first line blank,
or you can install the patch I am inclosing to inspell.c and re compiling.


*** inspell.c.old	Thu Oct 13 14:45:27 1988
--- inspell.c	Thu Oct 13 14:45:34 1988
*** 61,67
  char **argv;
          register int i,j,ret,which;
!         int lineno=1,fixret=1;
          int num_o_lines,intr();
          char c;

--- 61,67 -----
  char **argv;
          register int i,j,ret,which;
!         int lineno=0,fixret=1;
          int num_o_lines,intr();
          char c;
Andy Pitts andy at rbdc.UUCP  : "The giant Gorf was hit in  one eye  by a stone,
bakerst!rbdc!andy          : and that eye  turned  inward  so  that it looked
kd4nc!gladys!rbdc!andy     : into his mind and he died of what he saw there."
pacbell!gladys!rbdc!andy   :   --_The Forgotten Beast of Eld_, McKillip--

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