Mr. Eunuch "Emasculated" Mouse

Jim Rosenberg jr at amanue.UUCP
Wed Oct 5 15:26:40 AEST 1988

In article <9674 at> thad at writes:
>Seriously, does anyone have any notion where one can get a replacement mouse

I believe the 7300/3b1 mouse is made by Logitech.  They advertise in all the
PC magazines, & I would bet my /etc/init that their PC rodentoids and the one
for the UNIX-PC use the same ball.  The two possibilities that come to mind
are: (1) Call Logitech & see if they'll sell you a replacement ball (likey!)
or (2) See if you can pick up a cheap used Logitech mouse somewhere and just
scavenge the ball.

Oh, & if you do succeed in balling a eunuched mouse I wouldn't whisker it
around too loudly.  :-)
 Jim Rosenberg
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