Where does keyfix come from?

Randy Orrison randy at umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU
Sun Oct 16 12:53:27 AEST 1988

I would like to know where I can get the keyfix program from?
Actually, that's not quite true - I can get it off my friend's
machine, but what I want is the documentation (and source would be
nice).  If anyone has the whole package and would be willing to mail
it to me, send me mail offering it (don't mail it - I only need one

Oh, on the same subject -  Ford: in the source for nkbd you mention a
future version which will be completely configurable.  How's this
project coming?   (I LOVE nkbd - thanks!!!)  (would you like a
suggestion?  Could the CAPS-LOCK key (labelled Ctrl - silly AT&T)
toggle the LED in the Ctrl key (labelled Caps Lock - more silliness on
the part of AT&T)?  It's nice to have some indication...)

Randy Orrison, Chemical Computer Thinking Battery  --  randy at cctb.mn.org
(aka randy@{ux.acss.umn.edu, umn-cs.uucp, umnacca.bitnet, halcdc.uucp})
All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

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