HDB - no hangup after failed dialup?

Bud Hovell bbh at whizz.UUCP
Sun Oct 23 05:05:06 AEST 1988

We have two machines, geographically seperated: 

	1. A 3B1 running 3.51a and HDB, and having seperate voice and data
	lines, and...

	2. A 7300 running the same software, and having only a single line,
	which is switched over twice a day to allow data transfers.

Both machines can both originate and receive mail.

The 3B1 has uucp-connection to several machines, and has manifested no problems
since it was installed. The 7300 has uucp-connect ONLY to the 3B1. In both
machines, Permissions files limit access to only those machines which are not
foreigners, and each machine has it's own individual uucp login specified in
/etc/passwd and the Permissions file of the other machine it is calling.

What appears to be happening is that the 7300 often fails to perform a hangup 
after it attempts to call AND FAILS. This has resulted in some very high phone
bills from Mother, and we need to know how to put in a fix. It appears that
the hangup is successful after a call SUCCEEDS. The phone company has checked
its lines (and Central Office, presumably), and reports no faults.

Could someone PLEASE give me some pointers on how to proceed with checking out
the processes on that machine for possible causes of this problem? Because it
is some distance to drive, it would be very helpful to gain the experience of
others who may have seen this problem before.

In advance - THANKS!
                                                    | OVERTURE SYSTEMS CORP |
                    Bud Hovell                      |    Lake Oswego, OR    |
                                                    |     (503)636-3000     |
| UUCP{attmail!, tektronix!tekgen!teksce!bucket!, pacbell!safari!}whizz!bbh |
                   "Follow your bliss" - Joseph Campbell

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