Mailer wanted

Steven A. Conrad sac at conrad.UUCP
Sat Oct 22 12:01:47 AEST 1988

In article <78 at lazlo.UUCP> ccs at lazlo.UUCP (Clifford C. Skolnick) writes:
>	I am looking for a good mail program for my 3b1.  Able to interface
>with smail would be a big plus.  I really would like something along the
>style of sendmail, but that seems a little too much to ask.

Smail and sendmail are both Mail Transfer Agents.  A good Mail User Agent
that I have picked up and throroughly enjoy is 'mush', which will
interface to both smail and sendmail.  It is available via anonymous
UUCP on skeeve. An announcement to this effect was recently posted.
I have had no problems with it on my 3B1.
Steven A. Conrad,  Department of Medicine (Critical Care)
Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA
UUCP: sac at conrad.UUCP,   Internet: conrad at
"Silence is the only successful substitute for stupidity"

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