TeX (I've got it, but what is it?)

Dave Arnold dave at arnold.UUCP
Mon Sep 26 15:59:53 AEST 1988

In article <474 at kosman.UUCP>, kevin at kosman.UUCP (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:
> Hmmmm. I'm not even sure what newsgroup this should go in.
> I got the TeX/LaTeX/etc stuff for the unix-pc, as offered some time
> ago in this group.  It is neat stuff, has lots of fonts and so on.
> However, I find I had the wrong impression of what it was and how
> I would be able to use it.  Do I have to write a printer driver to
> do dot matrix stuff?  How is this to be sent to hard copy?

Oh lord... This is like asking "What is UNIX?"

TeX is a typesetting System written by Dr. Knuth of Stanford U.
I suggest you get "The TeXbook by Knuth---Addison Wesley", and
"LaTeX", by "Leslie Lamport".  Both good books.  And an excellent
system.  Kinda large to be running on our tiny 3B1 unless that's
what it's dedicated for.

TeX has a kinda cult following.  You may want to join TUG.
Dave Arnold
dave at arnold.UUCP	{cci632|uunet}!ccicpg!arnold!dave

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