
Jim Gottlieb jimmy at denwa.uucp
Sun Sep 25 14:36:38 AEST 1988

A friend's 3B1 often boots up such that when he logs in he is on
/dev/syscon rather than on /dev/w1.  Similarly, windy won't work.  It
looks like the Window Manager is having problems, but the question is
why.  I checked his /etc/rc and /etc/inittab and they are both
identical to mine.  All the standard processes are listed with a ps,
but the wmgr appears to use a suspicously low amount of CPU.  Any ideas?

Jim G.        E-Mail: <jimmy at denwa.uucp>  or  <jimmy at pic.ucla.edu>
^^^^^^    V-Mail: (213) 551-7702  Fax: 478-3060  The-Real-Me: 824-5454

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