Two (2) ATT 3B1 Computers for sale.

Lawrence A. Deleski lad at eplrx7.UUCP
Tue Sep 13 01:40:03 AEST 1988

	ATT 3B1 Computers for Sale.

	System #1

	3B1 Monster-Mega System

	Consists of:

	3B1 System unit with 3.5 MB RAM
	(2 MB Main Board and 1.5 MB on Combo)
	Combo board with 1.5 MB and 2 serial ports
	Serial and parallel port
	Floppy Drive
	144 MB Internal Hard Drive - 22ms (by IDT)
	ATT Model 471 Wide Printer and cable
	UNIX Ref Manuals
	UNIX Utils
	System 3.51a
	SMART Package

	This system was new on 3/8/88.  144 MB HD was installed on 6/10/88.
	This unit is immaculate.

	Asking $3800.

	System #2

	3B1 Computer
	1 serial 1 parallel
	40MB HD
	Floppy Drive
	System 3.51a
	Docs, etc.

	This unit is in excellent contition.  New on 3/8/88.

	Asking 1450. 

	Please reply by email or phone.  All equipment will ship FOB from 
	Newark,  DE.  Payment by cash,  cashiers or sertified check,  or bank

        Lawrence A. Deleski         |       E.I. Dupont Co.
        uunet!eplrx7!lad            |       Engineering Physics Lab
        Cash-We-Serve 76127,104     |       Wilmington, Delaware 19898
        MABELL:  (302) 695-9353     |       Mail Stop: E357-302

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